
sccoda.util.data_visualization.stacked_barplot(data, feature_name, figsize=None, dpi=100, cmap=<matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap object>, plot_legend=True, level_order=None)

Plots a stacked barplot for all levels of a covariate or all samples (if feature_name==”samples”). Usage: plot_feature_stackbars(data, [“cov1”, “cov2”, “cov3”])

data : AnnDataAnnData

A scCODA compositional data object

feature_name : strstr

The name of the covariate to plot. If feature_name==”samples”, one bar for every sample will be plotted

figsize : Tuple[int, int], NoneOptional[Tuple[int, int]] (default: None)

figure size

dpi : int, NoneOptional[int] (default: 100)

dpi setting

cmap : ListedColormap, NoneOptional[ListedColormap] (default: <matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap object at 0x7fc15f8333d0>)

The color map for the barplot

plot_legend : bool, NoneOptional[bool] (default: True)

If True, adds a legend

level_order : List[str], NoneOptional[List[str]] (default: None)

Custom ordering of bars on the x-axis

Return type



  • Returns a plot

  • g – a plot